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Q: In 1960 the USS Triton became the first submarine to circumnavigate the world. It covered 36014 miles in 76 days. Is that more or less than 100 miles per day?
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After the death of the new crew continued the journey and became the first men to circumnavigate the globe?

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What is the name of the Submarine in twenty thousand leagues under the sea?

Jules Verne novel became a Disney movie. The name of the submarine in that movie, Twenty Thousands Leagues Under the Sea was the Nautilus.

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The USS George Washington Carver (SSBN-656), (SSN-656), was a Benjamin Franklin-class Ballistic Missile Submarine named after the famed black researcher and inventor.Originally an FBM submarine, it was converted to an Attack Submarine after the START Treaty was ratified. She became a casualty of the end of the Cold War, being decommissioned and processed as part of the Navy's Ship & Submarine Recycling Program.

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What is the difference between a atomic submarine and a nuclear submarine?

Nothing but the terminology. "Atomic" was the term used in the early days of nuclear weapons and nuclear power. "Nuclear" (describing the fission process of nuclear power and nuclear weapons) became the term when fusion bombs became reality, as Atomic can refer to both fission and fusion processes.

What did the USS Nautilus do in 1958?

USS Nautilus (SSN-571) became the first submarine to transit the North Pole while submerged on August 3, 1958.

What is amazing about Ferdinand Magellan?

Ferdinand Magellan was amazing because he had the guts to try and circumnavigate the globe in 2 years. sadly he died in 1521 trying to convert the chief native to Christianity. So his crew finished the job for him. they became hero's.

What were the names of the submarines in the Civil War?

The South had a submarine called the Pioneer which was renamed the Hunley and operated by the Confederate Army. It became the first submarine to sink an enemy vessel in war, but it was also sunk. The North had a submarine called the Intelligent Whale which was not used in the war. The South also had steam-propelled craft called Davids which may or may not be considered submarines because they were not capable of submerging fully.

What are 5 fascinating facts about Wyoming?

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What was the first commissioned submarines?

The first commissioned submarine was the U.S. Navy's USS Holland (SS-1), built by submarine pioneer John Holland. She was commissioned in 1900, a year before the British submarine Holland 1, also built by Holland.The USS Holland originally began life as the Holland IV, her keel being laid in 1896. It was the forerunner of all modern submarine designs, incorporating all of Holland's key submarine inventions/patents. The USS Holland became the first successful diesel-electric powered boat, with reloadable torpedo tubes, that also had a working ballast/trim system for precise dives and surfaces.