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The answer will depend on the temperature, relative humidity, wind speed as well as the shape of the cup (and therefore the surface area of the water). There are too many unknown variables to give anything like a reasonable estimate.

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Q: In 1 week how much water will evaporate from an 8 oz cup?
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Could one cup of water evaporate in a few hours?

no it cant i might in maybe a week

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Why would a cup of water evaporate faster in the winter?

This is not true.

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Yes, it is correct.

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If you mean, when will the entire cup evaporate, you are supposed to divide 1 by 1/3.

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The water will evaporate, leaving the salt behind in the cup. This process is called evaporation and is used to separate salt from water in desalination.

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I don't know where you are. - You may well be in a climate where it will never evaporate. Or you could be in central Sahara where it will evaporate in about 8hrs.

How much water evaporates from exactly one cup of water in one week?

This depends on many factors.

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Heating favors the evaporation.

How long does a cup of water evaporate?

The answer is impossible; many factors affect this evaporation.

Why does a cup of water evaporate faster indoors in the winter?

Indoor the temperature is higher.

How long does it take for a 6oz cup of water to evaporate?

This depends on many factors.