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It is not possible to answer the question based in the information given since the increase in CPI does not reflect the return on the housing market.

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Q: In 2000 Patti had the choice to invest 100000 in the housing market for five years or invest in a CD paying 4 compounded annually. If the 2000 CPI is 172.2 and the 2005 CPI is 195.0 ...Better option?
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Which is the better investment 8.5 percent compounded monthly or 9.1 percent compounded annually?

Answer: 9.1% At 8.5% principal grows by (1+(.085/12))^12 = 1.0884 times in one year which is less than investing at 9.1%.

What is better for the consumer simple interest or compounded daily?

I'm thinking of bonds when answering this question. The more frequent the compounding the better it will be for the lender. The less frequent the compounding the better it will be for the borrower. Lets use this example: Interest = 10% Principle = $1000 Compounding A = Annually Compounding B = Quarterly Time period = 2 years A) At the end of the first year $100 in interest would have been made making the balance $1100. At the end of the second year $110 would be earned because of compounding and the balance would be $1210. B) At the end of the first year $103.81 in interest would have been earned with a ending balance of $1103.81. At the end of the second year the interest earned would be $114.59 and the ending balance would be $1218.40. What I showed here is that if you are the one receiving the interest you would prefer daily compounding. When you're paying out interest you would prefer simple interest.

How many mistakes were there in the translation of the Bible?

This question is impossible to answer since any answer is open to interpretation and counter argument. One problem in determining what might be a translation error and what is not is compounded by the fact that the Hebrew and the Greek - the original languages have words and concepts which are foreign to English. This is compounded when the grammar is also different with different, and in many cases more complex verb tenses for example. Students of biblical Greek soon realise this. Thus what some might call a mistake is just a failure to express a concept from one language into another. If you are referring to translation into languages other than English the problem may be compounded when there is no word at all for something. A good example of this is the word ''snow'' which, since it does not occur has no word in some African languages. Translators then use the nearest ''white'' equivalent. Is this an error -certainly not. Another issue may be the personal religious or denominational bias of the translator or group of translators. And then there is also the textual basis from which they are translating. This is thus not at all a simple question. Many Christians would assert that the Bible is itself without mistakes (in terms of the original) but that some translations are definitely better than others. For a number of important reasons many regard the KJV as best. (This has been dealt with at length elsewhere on site). Others would also assert that, even given the limitations of language mentioned above, that God has indeed preserved His word from error.

Is the 3 month jibar rate already compounded quarterly ie NACQ?

The 3 month Jibar is derived from 3-month NCD rates. Likewise the 1-month Jibar is derived from 1-month NCDs. The Jibar rates are all quoted as nominal annual rates, which means that the interest you will receive on a 3-month investment at Jibar will be calculated as (3M Jibar/4) x (amount invested). Now if you are able to invest money for 3 months at the 3-month Jibar, you can obviously re-invest it after 3 months at the new 3-month Jibar. If the new 3M rate remains exactly the same then obviously it becomes your NACQ. The point is that it may not be the same as 3 months ago. Thus the 1-month Jibar can be seen as a NACM and the 6-month Jibar as a NACSA. A vanilla bond coupon rate is an even better example of a NACSA because it never changes. Now here is a challenge. If the 6-m Jibar is regarded as a NACSA what is the 9-month Jibar then? The short answer is that money market rates are never quoted as compounded rates - they are nominal annual rates. It depends on how the investment (or loan) is treated that determines whether they become NA compounded rates. If you invest in a 9-m NCD at 10% p.a. and re-invest the total maturity value after 9 months for another 9 months at 10% p.a., your effective interest interest rate earned for the first 12 months will be slightly more than 10%.

What is better a bag of marbles or a movie?

bag of marbles is better if it fits in your word search but if it doesn't movie is better

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Which is the better investment 8.5 percent compounded monthly or 9.1 percent compounded annually?

Answer: 9.1% At 8.5% principal grows by (1+(.085/12))^12 = 1.0884 times in one year which is less than investing at 9.1%.

What interest rate would you need to double your money in 10 years compounded annually?

you would need an interest rate of 7.2 %. this would be a great slow return leaving you better off. with today's economy there is plenty of real estate to launch a wealthy careeer ahead.

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The plan for better city low income housing, in the 1950s, was to build large housing complexes. The large housing complexes offered low rent for its occupants.

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The more often it is compounded the better. So daily is the best, next is weekly, monthly etc. The greater the number of compounding periods, the better it is for your bottom line.

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What miners housing is like can vary depending on how prosperous the mining company is. The larger the company and the wealthier it is, the better the housing will be.

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An attempt to provide better housing in the slums.

How do you remove the tension spring housing for a frontera?

Google is better.

What housing market is the best to put his house on?

I think the best housing market is the newspaper. It will be out to the public, and you will have a better chance at renting it out. Also, a lot of people look in the newspaper for housing ads.

How do you get get emergency housing with out going to a shelter?

There are some ale insurance housing service provider company like expresshotelhousing through which you can get emergency housing. Just you need to be an ale housing insurance holder from that company. For better explanation make contact with them.

How much a basketball player makes a month?

It depends on how much the players earns on his/her contract annually. The better the player, means a better contract and a higher salary.

Jon deposits 1000 in an account that pays 8 percent interest compounded annually How long will it take to double your money?

1). My money will never double. Let's talk about Jon's money instead. 2). It doesn't matter how much he deposits into the account. The time required for it to double is the same in any case. 3). At 8% interest compounded annually, the money is very very very nearly ... but not quite ... doubled at the end of 9 years. At the end of the 9th year, the original 1,000 has grown to 1,999.0046. If the same rate of growth were operating continuously, then technically, it would take another 2days 8hours 38minutes to hit 2,000. But it's not growing continuously; interest is only being paid once a year. So if Jon insists on waiting for literally double or better, then he has to wait until the end of the 10th year, and he'll collect 2,158.92 .

Is retirement housing a better choice for seniors?

Retirement housing is a great way to help yourself save money when retiring. This is due to the fact that retirement housing is very inexpensive, and can be left to travel freely.