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Q: In 20 days a boy saved one dollar what was his average savings?
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How much does a person save?

Answer Excess money or things could be saved or preserved. Now a days savings is not easy.

How much is a 25 dollar war savings bond from 1943 worth?

I just had mine appraise 2 days ago and if you cash it in at the bank it would b worth 118.35

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The man who saved Jamestown from failure in its early days was?

Captain John Smith saved Jamestown in the 1700's

Can a 22 week fetus be saved?

Yes. The youngest fetus saved was 21 weeks, 6 days.

How old was Romulus when he was saved by the wolf.?

a couple of days

What is the average price of navel oranges?

As of 2 days ago [02/27/12] I paid 99 cents each...basically a dollar an orange!

Why does the days seems to be so quick?

Daylight Savings time, and the transition into spring.

If You start out with 1 dollar Howe many days does it take in a month to be a millionaire?

Save a dollar a day, and in a million days you will have a million dollars.

The man who saved Jamestown from failure in its early days?

Dick Johnson

What companies offer savings plans for health insurance?

Now days, most companies offer their employees savings plans for health insurance. United Health Care has many resources that show which companies have savings plans.

How many days are in an average month?

The average is about 30.4 days, which provides a closer estimation than using 30 days. Dividing 365 calendar days by 12 gives you 30.4167 days in the average month. Dividing by 365.25 days (Julian year) by 12 is 30.4375 days for an average month.