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Q: In 25 minutes li can run 10 laps around the track. Determine the number of laps she can run per minute?
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It is 14 hours and 30 minutes, or 870 minutes.

In typing how are net words per minute calculated?

To determine net words a minute: Total words (5 characters = 1 word), divided by number of minutes of the timing, minus 2 for each error = nwpm So, if you typed 75 words in 3 minutes with 2 errors on the timing, you would calculate net words per minute as follows: 75 words, divided by 3 (number of minutes) = 25 gwpm (gross words per minute) minus 4 (2 errors) = 21 nwpm - (net words per minute)

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987 minute's in a year

What is the unit rate for 500 words in 250 minutes?

2 words a minute. One word every thirty seconds.

How is seconds related to minutes?

Seconds and minutes are related by the fact that there are 60 seconds in one minute. This means that one minute is equivalent to 60 seconds, and seconds can be converted to minutes by dividing the number of seconds by 60.

Number of playing minutes in a regulation high school basketball game?

32 minutes. 8 minute quarters.

What does 500 seconds equal in minutes?

8.333 minutes. To compute this answer divide 500 by 60 (the number of seconds in a minute).

What formula can be used to determine how many minutes 13 hours and 37 minutes?

Multiply the number of hours by the number of minutes in an hour and add to the result the number of minutes. (13*60)+37=817 minutes

What is number of hours in minutes?

There 1/60 or about 0.016666667 hours per minute.

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there isn't a difference

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There are 288 seconds in 4.8 minutes. This can be calculated by multiplying the number of minutes (4.8) by the number of seconds in one minute (60 seconds).

How many minutes is 3030 seconds?

There are 50.5 minutes in 3030 seconds. To find how many minutes are in a given number of seconds, divide the given number by the amount of seconds in one minute.