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E represents energy, m represents mass, and c² is a very large number, the square of the speed of light.

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Q: In E equals mc2 what does mc2 equal?
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What does mass equal if e equals mc2?

m = e*c-2

What does E equals mc2 mean in terms of the Sun and stars?

E=mc^2 describes the relationship between energy (E), mass (m), and the speed of light (c). In the context of the Sun and stars, E=mc^2 is relevant because it explains how nuclear fusion reactions in their cores convert mass into energy, providing the heat and light they emit. This equation is fundamental to understanding the energy source that powers these celestial bodies.

When does e equal?

well albert figured it out in 123 ad it equals mc2

What does E equals mc2 have to do with nuclear fusion?

Some mass is "lost" during nuclear fusion and E = mc2 gives the amount of energy that this "lost" mass will be equal to.

What does e equals mc2?

e=mc2 is a theory proven by ainstien just before he died so noone else knows it, it explains that energy is equal to the speed of light when it is in a vacume.

Where or when has e equals mc2 been or is used?

E = mc2 This is Albert Einstein's famous Relativity equation: Which means that in a vacuum the Energy is equal to the Mass times the Speed of light squared.

What does E equal to?


What is mc2 in E equals mc2?

E (Energy) equals M (Mass) times C2 (speed of light square)

Is E equals MC2 a force?

No. E=mc2 is a formula. Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.

What does e stand for in e equals mc2?


What is the sum to e equals mc2?

There is no sum of e=mc2, it is an equation concerning matter and energy. e=mc2 stands for: Energy equals mass times the velocity of light squared. E = M C 2

Who discovered E equals mc2?

The concept of E=MC2 was discovered by Henri Poincare.