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Q: In RLL programs outputs are represented by contact symbols.?
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What are the symbols use in a base five numeral system?

The symbols used are the numbers 0 to 4. Five is represented by 10, Twenty-five is represented by 100 and Sixty is represented by 220. For more info on the Quinary system (base 5) check the wiki reference below.

How many symbols exist in the base of a number?

The number of symbols in the base of a number is equal to the base. Thus if the base is 2, there are two symbols, if the base is 8, there are eight symbols, if the base is 10, then there are ten symbols, if the base is 16, then there are sixteen symbols. Note that in each case "0" is a symbol. Also the base itself is not in the set of symbols. Thus there is no symbol for "2" in the base 2 system, no symbol for "8" in the base 8 system and so on. In each case the base is represented by the combination of the primitive symbols that run from 0 through (base - 1). Thus two in the base 2 system is represented as 10, eight in the base 8 system is represented by 10, and so on.

The multiplication arithmetic operator is represented by What symbols?

That symbol is not found on the list of choices that follows the question.

Roman numerals use how many symbols?

The most commonly used Roman numerals can be made from a combination of seven (7) different symbols, whcih are...I = 1V = 5X = 10L = 50C = 100D = 500M = 1000Using these symbols any number from 1 to 3999 can be represented.

What number in Roman numerals is less than 100 and uses the most symbols?

I believe the correct answer would be 88. It is represented by LXXXVIII.

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The four elements represented by alchemy symbols are earth, air, fire, and water.

What are the elements on the periodic table represented by?

They are represented by their symbols. Eg. Silver is represented by Ag.Eg. Copper is represented by Cu.Etc.

What is CoreSymbolication?

It is the means by which memory addresses are represented by symbols. The symbols are used by the debugger.

What are the symbols of the 4 teams in Harry Potter?

Gryffindor is represented by a lion. Hufflepuff is represented by a badger. Ravenclaw is represented by an eagle. Slytherin is represented by a snake.

How do modern elements symbols compare to the symbols the alchemists used?

Here is the link to Dalton's Atomic Symbols which was used by early alchemists:See: Related LinksIf you look at it carefully you will see that for elements like Zinc, it was represented earlier by a 'Z', which is now represented by a 'Zn'. Iron was too represented by an 'I', which is now represented by a 'Fe' (after its scientific name Ferrous / Ferric.

What are the chemical symbols for the element phosphorus and krypton respectively?

Phosphorous is represented by P and Krypton is represented by Kr.

How are elements represented in a chemical equation?

It is represented by element symbols, like using Na to refer to sodium.

Why are symbols are used in maps?

Because there's not enough room to print the words of the items represented by the symbols.

Why was the owl one of Athena's symbols?

it represented strength and power

Which elements are represented by the symbols in the formula NaC1?

Sodium and Chloride

The wildcard characters are represented by which of the symbols?

A question mark ? and an asterisk *