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Q: In Scripture the ideal society is the world of Man. True False?
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What is An ideal and perfect world or society?


What does Thomas More have to do with Utopia?

more describes an ideal society, where men and woman live in peace and harmony.

The term utopian refers to WHAT?

The term utopian refers to an idealistic society or community that is imagined to be perfect or ideal, often disregarding the limitations and realities of the present world. It can also refer to a visionary or idealistic person who believes in achieving a perfect society.

When was Ideal World created?

Ideal World was created in 2000.

What is the theme of Mecken's Portrait of an Ideal World?

The theme of Mecken's "Portrait of an Ideal World" revolves around the concept of a perfect society or world characterized by harmony, peace, and equality. The painting conveys a utopian vision of a world free from conflict, where people coexist peacefully and idealized landscapes and scenes represent a sense of serenity and unity.

What was happening that caused the Nazi persecution of the Jews?

the world was being re-shaped, the Jews did not figure into the Nazi vision of an ideal society, the persecution was their way of realizing their vision

Where in the bible do you find the scripture that states you are to be in the world but not of the world?

John 17:15,16 .

What was the greek translation for utopia?

Utopia means a perfect world. It is greek for "not place", it is now considered an ideal but unachievable society Actually, the word was EUTOPIA (ΕΥΤΟΠΙΑ) in the beginning. And the meaning of Eutopia is "good place", a perfect world.

India is the first largest country in the world true or false?

India has the largest population in the world true or false?

What is the differences and similarities between egalitarian and utopian?

Egalitarianism is the belief in equality, where everyone should have the same rights and opportunities. Utopianism, on the other hand, is the idea of a perfect society or world that is ideal and flawless. Both concepts involve envisioning a better society, but while egalitarianism focuses on equality in the existing world, utopianism imagines an idealized society that may not be achievable.

Why is the new world translation of the bible different?

The new world translation (NWT) is indeed different. It came about because the Jehovah's witnesses' (J.W.'s) translated the Holy scriptures - the Bible - into modern day English by a committee of "annointed" witnesses of Jehovah. The J.W. parent organisation called the Watchtower society translated from the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. The J.W.'s and the Watchtower society realized their beliefs contradicted scripture so rather than conforming their beliefs to scripture, they altered scripture to agree with their beliefs. The "New World Bible Translation Committee" went through the Bible and changed any scripture that did not agree with Jehovah's Witness theology. As biblical christians continue to point out scriptures that clearly argue for the deity of Christ (for example) the watchtower society would publish new editions of the NWT with those scriptures changed. A 2nd example is J.W.'s do not believe Jesus died on a cross - changing cross for "torture stake". The Watchtower has only their own theological bias.

Why are some scripture's taken out of the New World Translation Bible?

I believe the New World Translation was written by the Jehovah's Witnesses which happens to be a cult. They have taken scripture out of the original bible and added scripture as well. They have also rewritten some parts to fit their theology. Steer clear of this translation.