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Q: In Windows Explorer clicking the plus sign before a folder icon removes the indented sub-folders from the hierarchy of folders and changes the plus sign to a minus sign.?
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What is the meaning of grater?

One who, or that which, grates; especially, an instrument or utensil with a rough, indented surface, for rubbing off small particles of any substance; as a grater for nutmegs.

What is the value of a silver quarter that has a dime imprint on it?

Wow. I am no coin expert, but if it is a quarter that is actually silver, not nickel, and the imprint is raised, and not indented, probably priceless. We see very few "screw ups" from the mints, but when we do, some coin collectors go nuts for them.

What is the python synthax to solve for the statistical mode of a string of data?

from collections import defaultdict S = [ 2, 3, 1, 4, 4, 2, 4, 7, 2 ] counts = defaultdict ( int ) for s in S : counts [ s ] += 1 max_counts = max ( counts . values ( ) ) modes = [ ] for c in counts : if counts [ c ] == max_counts : modes . append ( c ) print modes The 'if' statement should be indented. Note also that, since there can be more than one mode for a sample the result is a list. You might very well find solutions you prefer on the stackoverflow web site.

How do you find the given number is positive or negative in VBprogram?

Assuming you mean Visual Basic then: I really do not know much computer programming, but could you not write something along the lines of: dim x as integer dim y as string If x = 0 then y = "neither" Else If x > 0 then y = "positive" End if If x < 0 then y = "negative" End if End Else End if Then if you set the x variable to the number you are interested in the code will set the y variable to "neither", "positive" or "negative". Hope that perhaps helps a little. P.S. This answer can't be indented as you would normally do to make the code more readable.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using roman numerals?

Advantages of using Roman numerals: In outlines, you can differentiate between indented subsections, giving more clarity to an outline. It is harder to misinterpret a number if the number is smudged in writing.Disadvantages: There is no "zero" in Roman numerals. They are much harder to add and subtract, especially in numbers greater than ten. The hindu-arabic numbering system is more succinct (for example, the year "1988" in Roman numerals is "MCMLXXXVIII". The largest number that can be expressed properly in Roman numerals is 3,999,999 as MMMCMXCIXCMXCIX (the bolded characters would have a line over them.

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In Windows Explorer clicking the plus sign before a folder icon removes the indented subfolders from the hierarchy of folders and changes the plus sign to a minus sign. true or false?


Is it true that In Windows Explorer clicking the plus sign before a folder icon removes the indented subfolders from the hierarchy of folders and changes the plus sign to a minus sign.?


Why is it called indented style?

Indented style is named as such because it uses indentation to visually separate different parts of the code within a block, making it easier to read and understand the structure. By indenting lines of code within a block, it creates a hierarchy that reflects the logical structure of the program.

Subtopics on a table of contents should be indented using?

Subtopics on a table of contents should be indented using tabs or increasing numbers of spaces to create a hierarchy of information and clearly show the relationship between main topics and subtopics. This indentation helps readers quickly navigate and understand the structure of the document.

Format of indented style?

Indented style typically involves starting a new line with a slight horizontal space to demonstrate a hierarchy or sequence of information. This format is commonly used for outlining, block quotations, or code snippets to enhance readability and organization of content. It helps to visually separate and distinguish different levels of information within a text.

Examples of indented style of letter?

indented letter style A

Country with most indented coast?

In my opinion, Croatia has one of the most indented coast in the world.

Are the paragraphs of the body in a personal letter indented?

Personal letters are usually indented. Business letters are not.

What is a indented CPT code?

Indented CPT code provides specific information to complete a stem.

The paragraphs in a modified block style letter may be. a. Blocked. b. Either Indented or Blocked. C. Indented. D. Indented from both margins. Which one is it?

b. Either Indented or Blocked. In modified block style letters, paragraphs can be either indented or blocked depending on the writer's preference. It allows for flexibility in formatting while maintaining a clean and professional appearance.

What are the 2 styles of a memorandum?

The two styles of a memorandum are block style and indented style. In block style, all paragraphs are aligned to the left margin. In indented style, the first line of each paragraph is indented.

Paragraphs should be indented using?

When typing, a paragraph should be indented by using the tab button. You can also use the spacebar.