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2-D means 2 dimensions.

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Q: In a 2-D figure how many dimensions are there?
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Dimensions of 2D shapes?

The 2 dimensions of 2d shapes and length and breadth.

How many faces are there in a triangle?

trianle have no faces, because it is 2D figure.

How many times do you breathe in 2 d?

You always breathe in 3-dimensions, never in 2d

What does 2D and 3D?

2D is two dimensions and 3D is three dimensions. 2D and 3D animation is animation that works in 2D and 3D. Often, 3D is used instead of 2D in order to enhance the perception of quality, even though the 3D is rendered on a 2D visual field. Its a matter of perspective. (Pun intended.)

What does animation 2D and 3D mean?

2D is two dimensions and 3D is three dimensions. 2D and 3D animation is animation that works in 2D and 3D. Often, 3D is used instead of 2D in order to enhance the perception of quality, even though the 3D is rendered on a 2D visual field. Its a matter of perspective. (Pun intended.)

How many dimensions does a rectangle figure have?

360 degrees is how many

Differences between 3D and 2D?

2D is an image drawn in the X, and Y dimensions. 3D is an image drawn in the X, Y, and Z dimensions, however most often what is referred to as 3D is a 2D simulation of 3D.

Is a parallelogram 2D or 3D?

A parallelogram is a 2D figure with two parallel sides

What is the space inside a figure called?

It depends on the type of figure. If it is a 2D figure, then it is called area. If it is a 3D figure, then it is called volume.

How many dimensions a polygon have?

A polygon is a 2-dimensional figure.

What is a one sided figure?

A line (2D), ray (2D), vector (2D), line segment (2D), a mobius strip (3D), or a klein bottle (3D).

What is the other way to spell 2D?

Two Dimensions or Two Dimensional