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The modal bar - the bar at the mode.

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Q: In a bar graph what bar shows the greatest amount?
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What data a bar graph show?

a bar graph shows the amount in your research

What is the difference between a pie graph and a bar graph?

a pie graph shows percentages and a bar graph shows numbers and amounts

How are bar graph and circle graph alike?

Both show an amount of data, usually during a survey. One shows a number, but the other shows a percentage.

What is the difference between bar graph and double bar graph?

A double bar graph shows two sets f data in one chart. A bar graph just shows one.

What is a Value Bar Graph?

a graph that shows the data.

How do you describe a pictograph to a friend?

It is like a bar graph, just with pictures instead. It shows an amount of data for the matter.

What is a declining-order bar graph?

In some cases you may want to show the greatest amount of something first, and the lesser amounts in the order in which they are decreasing. Typically, election results are reported this way. First you want to know who won the election, and then you want to know who came in second, and then who came in third, etc. In a bar graph, the height of the bar shows you how much you have of whatever that bar is supposed to measure. So with a declining order bar graph, the highest bar is on the left, and then each additional bar is shorter, in sequence, leading to the shortest bar, at the right end of the graph.

What is better usage a circle graph or a bar graph for displaying scores?

A bar graph, it shows a more accurate score.

What is the use for a double bar graph?

It shows the comparison of 2 things for a certain amount, not just one like a regular bar graph.Sorry if that was confusing.

What is the difference between a line graph and a bar graph?

Difference between bar and line graphs:Line graph shows change in a long period of time and bar graph shows bars showing different amounts.Also a line graph is used to show change over time and a bar graph is used for comparison.

Which graph shows quantities and how they vary by other factors?

A bar graph.

What is a bar graph and how what is used for?

a bar graph shows many bars.... :D ♥