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the chord is 4in long

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Q: In a circle whose diameter is 20in and a chord is 6in from the center what is the length of the chord?
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Related questions

What is the diameter of a cirlce?

The length of a chord that passes through the center of a circle is the diameter of the circle.

Is a chord always equal to the length of the diameter?

No; actually, the diameter is a chord that goes through the center of a circle.

What is the diameter in the US?

A diameter is the length of a chord passing through the center of a circle.

Which best describes the diameter of a circle?

The length of a chord that contains the center of the circle

Is it possible for a chord of a circle to be the length as the diameter of that same circle?

Absolutely! As long as the chord goes through the center of the circle.

A chord of a circle that contains the center of a circle-?

The cord of a circle that contains the center of that circle is a diameter of that circle.

How do you find the length of diameter when the center of the circle is unknown?

It'll be the largest chord of the circle.

What is a line segment that has both endpoints on the circle?

This is referred to as a chord. If the chord passes through the center of the circle, it represents the diameteror width of the circle.For a circle, the length of the diameter is the longest possible length of a chord.

What is a chord of a circle that contains the center of a circle?

A chord of a circle that contains the center of the circle is called the diameter.

Is The diameter of a circle is a chord that does not always pass through the center of the circle.?

The diameter of a circle is a circle's largest chord.

Is a diameter always a chord in a circle?

Yes, a diameter is a chord that passes through the center of a circle.

What is the diameter of a circle?

A chord of a circle is a straight line that joins any two points on the circumference of a circle. The diameter of a circle is the length of the chord that passes through the centre of the circle; it is the chord of longest length and is twice the radius of the circle in length.