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Q: In a class of 40 student 24 speaks hausa 15 speak igbo 21 speak yoruba and each of student speak at least one of these three language. If 8 speak hausa and igbo 11 speaks hausa and yoruba and 6 speaks?
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Related questions

What is the foreign language class like?

Foreign language class is okay...... I am a student in NY and I am taking Spanish 1.... The teacher is great..... sometimes she speaks her language to see if we get what shes saying.... But it all depends on if ur really interested in that language.....

When referring to Language Arts and that is the student's class would Language Arts be capitalized?

Yes, like Math, Science, Social Studies, etc.

What language is used in classes taught at the University of Puerto Rico?

Spanish unless in a language class. Well, actually I took a Math class in English since the professor was from Africa. So basically Spanish or English in some clases.Spanish or English depending on the professor's nationality and what language he or she speaks.

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How can a student be the best in class?

Because when the student studies a lot he becomes intelligent and is the best in class

Is it important for Chinese kids to go to the English class?

English is a mandatory learning subject in China, and most of China's future economy will be based on foreigners who speaks the international language, English.

What type of language should students use when speaking to teachers in class?

Students should use respectful and polite language when speaking to teachers in class. This includes addressing them as "Mr./Ms./Mrs." or their appropriate title, using formal language, and listening attentively to their responses.

Adonde va estudiante despues de clase?

Where is the student going after class? Where does the student go after class?

In Pygmalion why does Liza want to change the way she speaks?

Liza wants to change the way she speaks to improve her social standing and gain more opportunities in life. She believes that speaking with a more refined accent and proper grammar will help her be seen as more respectable and elevate her status in society.

What is Date class in java?

i am management student,and want to know answer that ,what is date class in java?

Can a middle class student be a great business man?

It depends on the student