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Q: In a debate what is both sides trying to do?
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When you debate with a theist and you arrive at an impasse how have you handled it?

The question can go both side by simply changing the word "Theist" to "Atheist. In a debate, all sides have already taken a stand, and trying to change his/her stand to agree with you, or you agreeing with the other side, is just a waste of time

What are things to consider in planning a debate?

Both sides of the issue. Always know what you're opponents are thinking before they do.

Give you an example of a debate script on the subject is euthanasia legal or illegal?

Euthanasia is a topic that brings up a lot of debate. You can find out about both sides by reading scripts online.

Is a debate similar to a court case?

All court cases arise out of a debate, but court cases are a minority of debates. A debate is an argument where both sides substantiate their claims with evidence and usually have allotted times to make and present their views. A court case is a debate that occurs in front of a judge where both sides try to make the claim that a certain set of facts makes it clear that a person either violated the law or did not violate the law.

Can you use articulate and elocution in a sentence?

As a debate squad member, it will be your responsibility to articulate the debate question from both sides, and remember, your elocution of every word is key to making yourself understood.

How do you use cliche in a sentence?

A cliché is an overused phrase or it can be a stereotype. Both sides in the debate used cliché arguments that were weak.

How do you make an opening statement in debate about vegetarianism?

That depends, what are you trying to either debate or talk about.

Your school is having a debate if you should have football or not you need detail for both sides?

Yes u need to know each side. But can any1 give him/her detaiL?

What are the similarities between a debate and persuasive speech?

Both in a debate and a persuasive speech you have your side and you are presenting it in the most favorable light. Regardless of the format, you are essentially persuading in both circumstances. Your efforts are solely devoted to trying to have a person, judge, teacher, etc. see the merit in your side, so in that, when in a debate, you are persuading, and your speech is essentially the same as a persuasive speech.

How does the author present a balanced view of the penny debate?

The author presents a balanced view of the penny debate by highlighting both the arguments for keeping the penny (such as its symbolic value and benefits to charities) and the arguments for phasing it out (including production costs and practicality issues). By acknowledging and representing both sides of the argument, the author allows readers to consider different perspectives and make their own informed opinions on the topic.

Who mediates in a debate?

A mediator is a neutral third party who helps facilitate communication and resolve conflicts in a debate by ensuring both sides have the opportunity to present their views and work towards finding a compromise or resolution.

What is the difference between a diplomacy and a debate?

A debate would be the civilized argument on a certain subject with 2 sides. A diplomacy is the solution or negotiation that the debate would lead to. :)