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Q: In a high resolution mode the number of dots in a line will usually be?
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What causes low resolution?

Low resolution is usually caused by a poor compression rather than poor capture. Low resolution images have less physical pixels than a high resolution one. The stretching of the image is what causes them to look poor. This low number of pixels is usually the result of downsampling of the the image for email or file size purposes.

What is considered a high resolution camera?

Megapixels (MP )are used to measure the resolution of photos taken with digital cameras. Therefore, the higher number of megapixels of a camera corresponds with a higher quality photo resolution. Typically, a digital camera with 16MP or higher is considered to be a high resolution camera. For the higher-end and more professional digital SLR cameras, 20MP or higher is considered to be a very high resolution camera.

What is a good resolution?

good resolution refers to good clarity/ high defination. resolution can be increased by increasing the number of pixels in the screen

Does A high resolution graphic has more dots per inch then a low resolution graphic?

generally speaking yes - but this is no constraint. A high resolution graphic has more pixels and may have a higher dpi setting. This is one of the reasons of using high resolution images - more dpi to get a better printout. The dpi setting is adjustable, so it may also be possible that the image has a lower dpi, even while having a huge resolution. This is typical for images that are printed out as posters.

Do high resolution images contain a small number of pixels?

Quite the opposite actually, the more pixels there are is generally the higher resolution

What kind of printers use a type of ink-dispersion that provides the high-quality resolution of laser printers and are popular because they are small and can print color inexpensively?

These are "ink-jet printers" - they use tiny drops of vaporized ink to provide a high-resolution matrix of dots that can form near-photographic quality images.

Is the resolution rate the number of times one screen or frame is built in one second?

That would be "screen refresh" or 60hz for example. Resolution is the amount of "Pixels" or dots you can see. It would be similar to taking a "Normal" picture in a camera and taking a "High resolution" picture. The smaller the number, 640x480 the less pixels, pictures would not be as good looking. The larger the number, 1920x1080 the more pixels. The picture would have better detail. Kinda like the difference between watching a HD movie on a normal tube TV and watching the same movie on an HDTV.

How many pictures can you store on a 16-MB disk?

It depends on the resolution of the picture - the number of pixels. At fairly high resolution only about 10 pictures.

Did the first digital cameras have high resolution or low resolution?

They had a low resolution

How do you know if an image is high resolution or low resolution?

You could tell because low resolution makes for a pixelated picture, and high resolution settings, you cannot tell.

What is the name of the dots used in photo journalism?

The dots used in photo journalism are called "screened dots" or "halftone dots." These dots are used to reproduce continuous tone images through the printing process by varying the size and spacing of the dots to create the illusion of shades of gray or color.

How do you multiply traditionally?

One visualization of multilication is to consider (say 7 x 35) as a grid of dots, 7 dots wide and 35 dots high. Then count up the number of dots in that rectangle. Perhaps simpler is to multiply 7 x (30 +5) = 7 x 30 + 7 x 5; = 210 + 35 = 245.