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Q: In a line of students jenna is number 8 the teacher says the rule for a number pattern is add 4. the first student in line says 7. what number should jenna say?
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The ratio of student and teacher ratios in ucla must be done as follows .First find out the number of Student in ucla.Then , find out the number of teacher in ucla.The, divide the number of Student and the number of teacher.

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If there are 12 students and a teacher can only choose 5 how many different ways can the teacher choose 5 students?

The teacher can choose 5 students out of 12 in 792 different ways using combinations. This calculation is based on the formula for combinations: C(n, k) = n! / [k! * (n - k)!], where n is the total number of students (12) and k is the number of students the teacher wants to choose (5).

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The BCeSIS number is a student number that is auto generated in BCeSIS. It is not the student's Personal Eduction Number or PEN #. The BCeSIS student number can be used to: *sort students *post marks without names *query students and much more. There is more information about this on the Integrated Service Website. (ISW)

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This is the real question. A teacher and another teacher are taking kids on a field trip. A number of students on this trip is greater than 30 but less than 50 when seated on the bus, 3 to a seat, no student has to sit alone. When 6 groups are formed for the tour, all groups are the same size; however, if four groups are formed, the groups are unequal

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