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Seeing the word than in a mathematical problem usually indicated addition or subtraction.

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Q: In a math problem does than mean to multiply or add?
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More than or equal to.

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It's boolean. 1 AND 1 gives 1, 1 AND 0 gives 0.

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* this math problem should not be here but ill answer it anyway the aswer to this math problem is 2268 you should look at a caculator its faster than doing .

How do you explain on how to solve the problem 14x26?

To solve the math problem 14 x 26, you multiply the number 14 by 26 as follows. First, multiply 14 by 6, the last number of 26. That gives you 84. Then multiply 14 by 2, which gives you 28. Since this answer goes in the tens column, rather than the units column, however, you need to add a zero, giving you 280. Then you add 84 and 280, which gives you 364, which is your answer.

What does than mean in math?

it mean more than something so ading

Do you have to take steps to solve the problem?

Sorry, but what problem are you exactly talking about. If you are talking about a random math problem than it really depends. Math word problems, if they are hard, then yes, definitely take steps. Good Luck :)