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Q: In a question about Roman Numerals does standard form mean Arabic Numerals?
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What is mcmcv in roman numerals?

MCMCV in Roman numerals is equivalent to 2005 in standard Arabic numerals.

What is mcmxxxix in Roman numerals?

Exactly as in the question and in todays notation of Roman numerals they represent the Hindu-Arabic numerals of 1939

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Exactly as in the question and they represent the Hindu-Arabic numerals of 2122

What is the standard form in roman numerals in CLXXIX?

Expressed in Arabic numerals, this is equal to 179.

How do you write 616 in roman and Arabic numerals?

In Arabic numerals, it is 616. In Roman numerals, it is DCXVI.

What is CCCLXXVI in roman numerals?

Exactly as in the question CCCLXXVI and they represent the Hindu-Arabic numerals of 376

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The equivalent Arabic numerals of the Roman numerals CC are 200

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The Roman numerals of XXVIII are the equivalent of 28 in Hindu-Arabic numerals

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dcccxiii in Roman numerals is equivalent to 813 in Hindu-Arabic numerals.

What is the Cube root of LXIV in Arabic numerals?

The Roman numerals for 64 are ILXV (65-1) or LXIIII (64) and they are not LXIV. So your question is: What is the cube root of LXIIII in Arabic numerals? The answer is 4 which is IIII or IV in Roman numerals.

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Exactly as in the question and they represent 1910 in Hindu-Arabic numerals

What is 978 in Hindu Arabic?

Exactly as in the question 978 which is CMLXXVIII in Roman numerals