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9.8 x 108

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Q: In a vacuum light travels at a speed of about nine hundred and eighty million feet per second write this speed in scientific notation?
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If the light travels at a speed of 300 000 kms what is the value in scientific notation?

300,000 km/s in Scientific Notation = 3 x 105km/s

Calculate how far light travels in one year scientific notation?

5.8786 x 1012 miles (rounded)

How far does light travel in 20 seconds using scientific notation?

In a vacuum, light travels about 3,725,648 miles every 20 seconds. In scientific notation this distance is expressed as: 3.725648 x 106 miles per 20 seconds.

How far away is earth from the Andromeda galaxy in kilometers in scientific notation?

The Great Galaxy in Andromeda (also known as the Andromeda Galaxy or M31) is about 2.5 million light years from Earth. When we look at this galaxy today, we see light that has been traveling through space for 2.5 million years; i.e. when we look at the Andromeda Galaxy, we are seeing it as it was about 2.5 million years ago! Think about this, we are looking back in time.1 light year is the distance that light travels in 1 year. Speed of light is 300,000 kilometers/second, find the distance that light travels from the Andromeda Galaxy to Earth in kilometers and express it in scientific notation.

If a probe travels 4000km per hour for 365 days how far did it travel in scientific notation?

3.504 × 10^7 km

Why do doctors use scientific notation?

So they can reduce those really big numbers into really small numbers, such as 968,000 times 10 which can be noted as 9.68 times 105.They use scientific notation in the same way as other scientists use scientific notation.

Who travels to gain geographical or scientific information?


What is someone who travels to gain geographical or scientific information?

It is an assho1e

Who is someone who travels to gain geographical scientific information?

It is an assho1e

Someone who travels to gain geographic or scientific information?

An explorer is someone who travels to gain geographic or scientific information by investigating new territories and discovering new things about the world. They often embark on expeditions to study and document various aspects of nature and geography.

What is the scientific name for something a sound travels through?

The scientific name for the medium through which sound travels is "material" or "medium". Sound waves need a material medium to propagate, such as air, water, or solid objects.

How million miles the earth travels in a year?

The length of Earth's orbit around the sun is 584.3 million miles.