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The square root.

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Q: In algebra what is the opposite of a square?
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What is meant by opposites in algebra?

In algebra, opposites are two numbers on opposite sides of zero. so 3 and -3 are opposite numbers because they are both 3 spaces away from 0.

What category is square root part of?


A square root and its opposite?

The opposite (or inverse function) of the square root would be the square.

How do concepts from algebra apply to life?

Every action has an equal opposite reaction.

What is the opposite of a square root?

The opposite of a square root (exponent 1/2) is the square (exponent 2).

What is the opposite of square?

The opposite of the adjective square would be "not square." Possible antonyms could include circular, since a square has no curved sides and a circle has no straight sides. The opposite of square (fair, honest) would be dishonest or deceiving. The opposite of the slang use of square (old-fashioned, dull) would be hip or stylish. The opposite of the square of a number would be its square root.

What is the opposite of square rooting?


How come a square could never be a trapezoid? That site says, "A quadrangle which has only one of the two opposite sides as parallel is called a Trapezoid. The other opposite sides need not be parallel. If both pair of opposite sides of a trapezoid are parallel then it becomes a parallelogram. The trapezoid does not follow the basic properties of a parallelogram."

What is the opposite of square that begins with r?

Round is the opposite of square. It begins with the letter r.

Does a square have opposite sides that are parallel?

Yes. The opposite sides of a square are equal and parallel.

Example of algebra in construction?

I use algebra to figure square footage, cubic footage, and angles when building, It is very important.

Why is additive inverse property used?

It is used to show the inverse (opposite of a number) in algebra.