The bisectors (not bicecters) of the angles meet at the incentre.
This point is called the incentre of the triangle.
point of concurrency (incenter)
The sides of a triangle do not meet in a point, so there is no "the common point".
This point is called the incentre of the triangle.
The point in a triangle where all three angle bisectors meet is called the incenter.
point of concurrency (incenter)
Incenter ~
The sides of a triangle do not meet in a point, so there is no "the common point".
Orthocenter My improvement: The three angle bisectors will intersect at a point called the incenter. At this point it also the center of the largest possible circle within the triangle. Since a circle has a center point, this point within the triangle is called the incenter. The three heights of a triangle will meet at a special point called the orthocenter.
3 and they meet in a single point called Circumcentre
The median of a triangle is a straight line from a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side. The three medians of a triangle meet at the centroid. If the triangle is made of uniform material the centroid is the centre of mass of the triangular shape.
In a obtuse triangle, the point of concurrency, where multiple lines meet, of the altitudes, called the orthocenter, is outside the triangle. In a right angle, the orthocenter lies on the vertex (corner) of the right angle. In an acute angle, the orthocenter lies inside the triangle.
The centroid, which is the point where the medians meet.