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Q: In driving You can be fined up to 1000 and jailed for six months if you are cited for?
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What happens if you get caught driving when you owe child support?

You will be fined or jailed if you are caught driving when you owe child support.

Is drunk driving in the UK a criminal offense?

Given that you can be arrested, fined and/or jailed, yes, it is a criminal offence.

You got a seatbelt ticket in CA but will be moving up north by the time of the court date what will happen if you leave town?

Depending on the proceedures at the court, you could win several prizes that you do not want. You could have your license suspended, be fined or arrested for failure to appear, and/or be cited/fined/arrested/jailed for contempt of court.

What happens to people who break the copyright act?

You can be fined, and in extreme cases, jailed.

What happens when a juror is late to jury duty?

They are in contempt of court and/or could be fined or jailed at the discretion of the judge.

Is it legal to abandon pets when moving?

No. The owner is still responsible, and can be fined or even jailed for abandoning pets.

What law that allowed citizens to be fined or jailed for criticizing the government?

i have no freaking idea why dont you lookit up

Should animal poachers be jailed and not just fined?

Game violations often do include jail-time in addition to fines.

Where can you download battlefield bad company 2 crack?

Downloading a game that you have to buy and don't pay for it is illegal and you can be jailed and fined for it.

Can you go to jail if you do not turn in a vehicle?

Yes. If it is legally required, you can be jailed or fined, or held until the vehicle is properly surrendered.

If a father is lying about income to pay less child support will he have to pay retroactive child support or arrears?

No, but he can be fined and jailed.

Will you be fined for driving without a license?
