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Q: In finding the surface area it is helpful to seperate the polyhedron's surface area into the base area and the lateral area?
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In finding the surface area it is helpful to separate the polyhedron's surface area into the base area and the lateral area?

The answer is TRUE.

Function of Lateral Sulcus?

it runsSuperiorand laterally to seperate the temporal lobe from the frontal and the parietal lobes

How is the formula for finding the lateral area of a cylinder like the formula for finding the area of a rectangle?

L.A.= 2*pi*radius*height its not like finding the area of a rectangle. a cylinder is a 3-D shape and a rectangle is a flat shape

What is the function of the septum pellucidum?

The septum pellucidum is a thin membrane in the brain that separates the lateral ventricles. Its function is not entirely clear, but it is believed to provide structural support and contribute to the overall organization of the brain.

What is the formula for finding the area of a quadrangular prism?

A = 2AB + AL AB = area of the base AL = lateral area = Perimeter X height

Why is it helpful to know the slant height of a pyramid to find its surface area?

Knowing the slant height helps because it represents the height of the triangle that makes up each lateral face. So, the slant height helps you to find the surface area of each lateral face.

What is lateral to the ribs?

There are no internal organs lateral to the ribs. The arms are lateral to the ribs.

What does lateral?

Lateral in anatomy means toward the side. You arms are lateral to your body.

Lateral area of a prism?

The lateral area of a prism is the sum of the area of the lateral faces

Is the greater trochanter a lateral or a medial structure of the femur?

The greater trochanter is a lateral structure of the femur.

What prevents lateral displacement of the patella?

The patella is prevented from excessive lateral displacement due to the alignment of the patellar ligaments, particularly the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL). Additionally, the trochlear groove of the femur provides a bony structure that helps guide the patella during movement, limiting its lateral movement. Strong muscles around the knee joint, such as the quadriceps and vastus medialis, also play a role in stabilizing the patella and preventing lateral displacement.

What is a sentence using the word lateral?

The football player made a lateral play.A lateral move is to or from the side.