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The odds of each coin toss are 50-50. The coin has no memory; there is no record of what the last four tosses are. EVERY toss is at 50-50 odds.

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Q: In four successive tosses a fair coin lands heads up each time What is likely to happen when the coin is tossed a fifth time?
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What is the probability of getting heads on three successive tosses of a coin?

0.53 = 0.125.

If a fair coin is tossed ten times what is the probability of getting five heads?

The probability of getting five heads out of 10 tosses is the same as the probablity of getting five tales out of ten tosses. One. It will happen. When this happens, you will get zero information. In other words, this is the expected result.

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A coin is tossed until ahead appears. What is the expectation of the number of tosses required?

What does it mean to say that the chances of getting a head when a coin is tossed are one-half?

It means that if the coin were tossed an infinite number of times, half of the tosses would come up heads and half would be tails.

What is the adjective form of tosses?

The adjective forms for the verb to 'toss' are the present participle, tossing (The tossing sessions have strengthened my wrist.), and the past participle, tossed(The tossed confetti and streamers were cleaned up by maintenance before dawn.).

A coin is tossed 5 times find the probability that the 6th toss is a tail given tht the first 5 tosses were all tails?

The chance is 50%-50% that it will be heads or tails; this does not change regardless of the number of previous tosses and their results.

A coin is tossed until a head appears. what is the expectation of number of tosses required?

Usually, it takes 2-5 flips until a head appears.

When A fair coin is tossed three times. Find the probability of getting a head on the first toss and tails on the second and third tosses?

It is 1/8.

When a fair coin is tossed 10 times in a row what is the probability that heads comes up at least once?

Pr(H at least once in 10 tosses) = 1 - pr(No H in 10 tosses) = 1 - Pr(10 T in 10 tosses) = 1 - (1/2)10 = 1 - 1/1024 = 1023/1024

How many outcomes are possible if a coin is tossed 10 times?

2 sides x 10 tosses, so your possibilities is 2^10 or 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 =1024 outcomes.

What is a probability of getting a two tails in first two chances if coin is tossed 10 times simultaneously?

The probability of getting two tails in the first two is 1/4. And it does not matter how many more times the coins are tossed after the first two tosses.

What is the probbability of getting head if the coin is tossed 300 times?

Prob(Head in 300 tosses of a coin) = 1 - Prob(not a single H in 300 tosses) = 1 - (1/2)300 = 1 - (4.91*10-91) = 0.999...9998 where there are 90 9s before the 8.