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Q: In geometry are all cones right cones?
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Related questions

Why does the radius and height of cones always form a right angle?

they don't. most likely in the level of math you're taking, it is assumed that all cones are right cones

Why aren't cylinders cones and spheres polyhedrons geometry?

polyhedrons need flat face and edges, corners which cylinder cones don't have.

Are all right angles congruent in spherical geometry?


Could triangles have right angles?

Yes, although a triangle (in normal geometry) can only have one right angle, no more. It is possible for a triangle to have all three right angles in spherical geometry (if you were to draw the triangle on a sphere).

How many right angles in a square geometry?

There are four right angles in a square or rectangular geometry

What is right triangle geometry?

A right triangle in geometry is a triangle that has 90 degrees as one of its angles.

What is geometry all about?

Geometry is all about measurement.

How do you pass the Geometry regents?

review the topics from the last year geometry regents topics at and all u have to do is get 25 questions right and u get a 72

What are all the angles in geometry?

intersecting, parallel, acute, right ,obtuse, straight, perpendicular, reflex

What does magnitude mean in geometry?

In geometry, magnitude is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle.

A cartoonist draws two congruent rocket nose cones with her geometry software. Determine whether the transformation shown is a reflection. Answer yes or no?


Who created the theory of solving right angles?

Euclid, a Greek mathematician, is credited with creating the theory of solving right angles. His work is known as Euclidean geometry, which laid the foundation for modern geometry.