60*.4=24 mins.
38 mins and 24 secs
24 mins
4320 minutes ÷ 60 mins per hour = 72 hours 72 hours ÷ 24 hours per day = 3 days 3 days
60*.4=24 mins.
1440 there 60 mins in a hour and 24 hours in a day so 24 time 60
There are 60 minutes in one hour. Therefore, 24 minutes is equal to 24/60 x 100 = 40 percent of one hour.
378 / 70 is 5.4 hours or 5hrs 24 mins.
38 mins and 24 secs
24 mins
1036800. Gotten by multiplying by 24 per hours in day and by 60 per mins in an hour
24 meters per second equates to 86.4 km per hour.
4320 minutes ÷ 60 mins per hour = 72 hours 72 hours ÷ 24 hours per day = 3 days 3 days
The conversion of 80,000 BTU to 24 kW is typically per hour. This means that the appliance or system is capable of providing or consuming 24 kW of power every hour.
24 mins