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Q: In linear differential equation meaning of product term of y?
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An Airy equation is an equation in mathematics, the simplest second-order linear differential equation with a turning point.

What is integrating factor of linear differential equation?

What is integrating factor of linear differential equation? Ans: assume y = y(x) in the given linear ODE. Then, by an integrating factor of this ODE, we mean a function g(x) such that upon multiplying the ODE by g(x), it is transformed into an exact differential of the nform d[f(x)] = 0.

Wha is a linear equation?

A linear equation is when each term in the algebraic equation is either a constant or the product has a single variable and a constant.

What is bratu equation?

the Bratu's equation is a differential equation which is non-linear (such as, if we have some solutions for it, a linear combinaison of these solutions will not be everytime a solution). It's given by the equation y''+a*e^y=0 or d²y/dy² =-ae^y.

What is the difference between a homogeneous and a non-homogeneous differential equation?

Homogeneous differential equations have all terms involving the dependent variable and its derivatives, while non-homogeneous equations include additional terms independent of the dependent variable.

What is the term Linear in maths?

Resembling, represented by, or consisting of a line or lines. Examples in maths: linear equation: A linear equation is an algebraic equation in which each term is either a constant or the product of a constant and (the first power of) a single variable. Typical linear equation:

Differences between linear and non linear?

If you graph a Linear equation it will be a strait line. If it doesn't come out strait, its not linear. Also a linear equation can be put into y=mx+b, with mx meaning the slope and b meaning Y-intersept.

What are different ways to solve a system of equation?

That depends on what type of equation it is because it could be quadratic, simultaneous, linear, straight line or even differential

What is nonlinear ordinary differential equation?

An ordinary differential equation is an equation relating the derivatives of a function to the function and the variable being differentiated against. For example, dy/dx=y+x would be an ordinary differential equation. This is as opposed to a partial differential equation which relates the partial derivatives of a function to the partial variables such as d²u/dx²=-d²u/dt². In a linear ordinary differential equation, the various derivatives never get multiplied together, but they can get multiplied by the variable. For example, d²y/dx²+x*dy/dx=x would be a linear ordinary differential equation. A nonlinear ordinary differential equation does not have this restriction and lets you chain as many derivatives together as you want. For example, d²y/dx² * dy/dx * y = x would be a perfectly valid example

How to know that linear differential equation is time invariant or time variant?

If the coefficients of the linear differential equation are dependent on time, then it is time variant otherwise it is time invariant. E.g: 3 * dx/dt + x = 0 is time invariant 3t * dx/dt + x = 0 is time variant

Use of linear variable differential transducer?

how linear voltage differential transducer works?

What is the local solution of an ordinary differential equation?

The local solution of an ordinary differential equation (ODE) is the solution you get at a specific point of the function involved in the differential equation. One can Taylor expand the function at this point, turning non-linear ODEs into linear ones, if needed, to find the behavior of the solution around that one specific point. Of course, a local solution tells you very little about the ODE's global solution, but sometimes you don't want to know that anyways.