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Q: In math what does a horizontal line over the capital A represent?
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What does Horizontal line represent?

if u mean math then its the x-axis if u want the vertical then its the y-axis

What does horizontal mean in the math?

What it means is horizontal line is like the horizon it goes across

What is a horizontal symmetry in math?

a line that goes right across

What is an horizontal ray in math?

A horizontal ray in math is a line that runs horizontally that has one starting point and goes on forever in the opposite direction.

What is a horizontal in math?

Here's a horizontal ------- Here are some verticals .... arranged horizontally

Math match the equation with the description of its graph Vertical line Horizontal line Neither horizontal nor vertical line Y 8 X 15 Y x plus 3?

For a detailed explanation to this equation check out

In Math what is a nowat?

Well, honey, "nowat" ain't nothin' in math. Maybe you meant "variable" or "constant," but "nowat" ain't ringin' any bells in my math book. Maybe you need to check your spelling or ask a more specific question, sugar.

What symbol is used for perpendicular?

It is an upside down 'T'A horizontal line with a vertical line drawn straight down to intersect and stop at the middle of the horizontal line. I'll try to do it here:lll-------Obviously this is written with complete, not dotted lines, that touch each other. But that is the best I can do.Picture an upside down capital letter "T". I'm a sixth grade math teacher, we frequently use this.

What are horizontial lines?

a horizontal line is a line that goes strait across like the one underneath there are in the subject :math and sometimes science

What does a capital letter refer to?

In science, an element symbol. In math, a line, or an angle, or a point.

What does bar mean in math?

A horizontal line, placed above a symbol.Also (in physics), a bar is a unit of pressure. 1 bar = 100,000 pascal.

What does sideways mean in math terms?
