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To prove a statement false, you need ONE example of when it is not true.

To prove it true, you need to show it is ALWAYS true.

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Q: In math what one thing do you need to prove a statement is false?
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What is a statement in maths?

It is a question that is definitely true or definitely false. It can't be both.

What is a math statement?

A statement that can be proven true or false. Not a question, not a command, and not an opinion.

What is the difference between a mathematical sentence and a mathematical statement?

A math sentence is converting an equation to math words. A Statement, also known as a proposition, is an assertion that is true or false but both.

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There isn't really a question there - it appears to be more of a factual statement. So, the answer could be "true" or "false".

What is induction in math term mean?

It is a method of proving a statement for all values of a variable - usually for all integers. Often, the process is as follows: Prove the statement for n = 1 Assume that the statement is true for n = k and prove that, in that case, it must be true for n = k+1. Invoke the law of induction to assert that it is true for all [integer] values of n.

What does satisfy mean in math or is satisfy not used in math as a math word?

Yes, that term is used in math. Consider an equation; I'll use a simple one: 2x = 14 This is a statement about the equality of the two sides; it is stated that 2, multiplied by "x", is equal to 14. Depending on the value of "x", this statement can be true, or false. In this case, if you replace "x" with 7, the statement is true; if you replace it by any other value, it is NOT true. The equation is said to be "satisfied" by any value which, when replaced for the variable, converts it into a true statement - in this case, 7.

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What does justify mean in math?

It means to proof with a statement that is assumed true and if the assumption leads to an impossibility, then the statement is false and you have to create a new one. You use variables, its not necessary to use numbers and make a real equation. -ccs

What is the definition of statement?

The definition of statement is a subject that can be true or false; a statement can be both spoken and written. it can be a rumor or a math subject spread around to others. an example sentence would be: " Mrs. Emanuela told Nyla and Taylar to stop making mean statements about Andres.

What does inductive reasoning means in math?

Typically, inductive reasoning is a tool which is used to prove a statement for all integers, n. If you can show that a statement istrue for n = 1.if it is true for some value n = k you prove that it must be true for n=k+1, thenby the induction, you have proved that it is true for all values of n.

What does the math term justify your answer?

IT means that you meed to prove your answer, reason or to prove IT is the corect answer.

What does the math term inductive mean?

The math term inductive means estimating within a known set of data.* * * * *I think the above answer has confused "inductive" with "interpolation".Typically, inductive reasoning is a tool which is used to prove a statement for all integers, n. If you can show that a statement istrue for n = 1.if it is true for some value n = k you prove that it must be true for n=k+1, thenby the induction, you have proved that it is true for all values of n.