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Q: In order to divide mixed numbers what is the first step?
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What is the median if the numbers are an even ammount?

first, you would put the numbers in order then, you would add the 2 numbers and divide it by 2

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How do you get a median?

first you list the numbers in order then eliminate the numbers from the left side then right side until you get to the middle. If you do not find the middle then you add the 2 numbers and divide by 2

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There are no numbers in alphabetical order! In alphanumeric order, numbers come first.

How do you find the ratio of two areas?

In order to find the ratio of two areas, you times it by the number of a number to get the number of the numbers numbers number, and that number divide by the first number which is 6 and then do the square root of the numbers number to get that number, which you will times by 2.

Is the mean or median a better measure of a typical value?

NO mean: (average)add all the numbers, then divide by how many numbers you added!! Median: you have to put allthe numbers in order and then get the middle number and if there are two middle numbers add them and divide them by two!!

When multiplying mixed numbers and fractions does changing the order of the factors change the product?

No. The commutative and associative laws are valid for any real numbers.

What is the mean of two five and twelve?

In order to find the mean of numbers, add up all of the numbers and thn divide it by the number of numbers there are. Adding two, five and twelve equals nineteen. Then divide three into nineteen, and this gives you a mean of 6.33.

How do you find the median of numbers?

Put the numbers in order. Add them all together then divide by the amount of numbers in the line. For example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 = 21 21 divide by 6 is 3 r 3 so your answer is 3.3

Is the reciprocal used to divide fractions?

In order to divide two fractions, multiply the first times the reciprocal of the second.

How can a number line help order fractions mixed numbers and decimals?

If you place them properly then the smallest will be on the left, and they will be in increasing order until the largest on the right.

What is the median of115 108 111 102 104 104?

First order the numbers. 102 104 104 108 111 115 Since they are an even number of numbers, take the two middle numbers, add them together, and divide by 2. (104 + 108)/2= 106 Answer: 106