To reduce a fraction, you divide numerator and denominator by the same number. For this to be possible, the denominators must have a common factor larger than 1.
A country must be free to exercise sovereinty in handling its own affairs.
That is not true.
The 'answer' is the number that 'x' must be in order to make the statement true. If 'x' is anything different from -7, then the statement "x = -7" is not true. So the 'answer' must be -7 .
Any fraction composed of real numbers can be written as a decimal approximation.However, some irrational numbers, like Pi, are never-ending as decimals, and must be rounded off.
Te and Rm
Yes, this is true.
They must have the same dimensions.
It is 1.
This is true
The 'answer' is the number that 'a' must be in order to make the statement true. In order for 9 to equal 3a, 'a' must be 3 .
it must be normally distributed
True, honey! If either the numerator or the denominator of a fraction is a prime number, then the fraction is already in its simplest form because prime numbers can only be divided by 1 and themselves. So, no need to simplify further, darling!
True. In order to cause a change, energy must be transferred or transformed in some way.
No , that's not true