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Q: In regard to waste management laws a boat of width length or greater is required to have an oil placmentcard posted?
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In regard to waste management laws a boat of what length or greater ( in feet ) is required to have an oil discharge?


In regard to waste management law a boat of what length or greater in feet is required to have an oil discharge?


In regard to waste management laws a boat of what length or greater in feet is required to have an oil placard posted?


In regard to waste management laws a boat of what length or greater (in feet) is required to have an oil discharge placard posted?


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Vessels greater than 20 meters in length are required to have a bell.

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Vessels greater than 20 meters in length are required to have a bell.

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What length or greater (in feet) is required to have an oil discharge placard posted?

The US Coast Guard requires an oil discharge placard for boats over 26 feet.

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The length of pipe is required to be known to help procure the required quantity of pipe.