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three decimal four

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Q: In the digits 3.4 write each number in word form and tell the value of the number 4?
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it means to write the value. for example.... 1.639. just write the value.

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It is its positional place value within a number

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compare the digits to compare the value of the change 67,335 to 47,335

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The value of a digit depends on its position as well as its face value.

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An entire number cannot have a place value. It is the property of each of its digits, taken one at a time.

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In place value, a period is each group of three digits separated by commas in a multidigit number.

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What is vinary digits?

I assume you mean "binary digits". The normal numbers we use are base-ten, using ten different digits (0-9). Also, each place-value is worth ten times as much as the place-value to the right of it. Binary numbers follow a similar principle, but are based on the number 2. That is, there are only two digits (0 and 1), and each place-value is worth twice as much as the number to the right.

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Since there are no numbers and no underlined digits, there cannot be any answer!

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999999 and -999999