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The speed of light in vacuum.

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Q: In the equation e equals mc2 what does the letter c stand for?
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Related questions

What is the c in e equals mc2?

The letter 'c' in that equation represents the speed of light.

Who is the inventor of the equation E equals mc2?

Albert Einstein.

Who wrote the equation E equals mc2?

Albert Einstein

What does e stand for in e equals mc2?


What scientist is famous for the equation E equals MC?

Albert Einstein.Except that the equation was e = mc2

Who could the equation E equals mc2 be attributed to?

Albert Einstein

How do you can possible the equation of e equals mc2?

Sorry, don't understand...

The equation E equals MC2 is the theory of what?

Mass-energy equivalence

What does the c in the equation e equals mc2?

c is the speed of light in vacuum.

Who was the famous physicist that wrote the equation e equals mc2?

Albert Einstien

Which kind of energy is described by the equation E equals mc2?

Mass Energy.

Is Einstein's famous equation e equals mc2 linear or quadratic?
