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Q: In the formula for calculating interest the principal is multiplied by the rate and then multiplied by the .?
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In the formula for calculating interest the principal is multiplied by the rate and then multiplied by the?


Where can find the simple mathematical formula for calculating interest?

You need to know the principal amount, the rate and the time. Then a very simply formula for calculating interest is I = PRT where P is the principal amount, R is the interest rate and T is the period of time in years.

Which of these is the correct formula for calculating interest on a loan?

interest = prinsciabl x rate x time

Formula for calculating compound interest?

P*(1+R/100)powerT where P= money borrowed or principal and R= rate in percent and T= time * * * * * Actually, this formula gives the value of the principal PLUS interest. You need to subtract P from the answer to get the compounded interest.

Find the formula of simple interest?

the formula for simple interest is I=PRT (interest=principal x rate x time )

What is the formula for calculating interest coverage ratio?

operating income vefore interest and income taxes / annual interest expense

What is the mathematical formulae for calculating a trifecta dividend?

The mathematical formula for calculating a trifecta dividend is trifecta equals the first three getters multiplied together.

What is the formula for calculating area of parallelograms?

Base multiplied to the perpendicular height. A = b X h

What is the formula to calculate interest?

In calculating for the interest, please use the formula below:I = PRTwhere I stands for InterestP for principalR for rate; andT for time

What is the maths formula for compound interest?

The formula for compound interest is A = P(1 + r/n)^(nt), where: A = the future value of the investment P = the principal investment amount r = the annual interest rate (in decimal form) n = the number of times that interest is compounded per year t = the number of years the money is invested for

What is the Simple Interest Formula?

I = prt where I = interest, p = principal, r = rate. and t = time in years.

What is the formula for simple annual interest?

I= Prt I=interest P=principal r=rate t=time