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The number 25308 doesn't have a thousandths place. It does have a 5 in the thousands place. Small but important difference.

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Q: In the number 25308 which digit is in the thousandth place?
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25.0096 rounded to the nearest thousandth would be25.01. Why? Well, first you have to find the thousandth place. In this case it is the 9. Then, you look to the right of your ROUNDING digit- this is 6. 6 is the KEY digit. Since 6 is HIGHER than 5, you know you have to round UP. Normally, you would simply change the roundig digit to the next digit up, but since he number after 9 is two digits, you have to make an exception. What you do is you change the 9 to a zero and carry the 1 to the hundredths place. Finally, drop all zeroes after the hundredths place.hope this helps!

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