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Q: In the sequence 4710...292295298.What position is the term 298?
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What comes next in the sequence 298 209 129 58 -4?

-57. You are taking away 9 less each time.

How do you express 298 in scientific notation?

Note that 298 can be written as 298.0. Move 2 decimal places to the left and we write the term as: 2.98 x 102

What is the sequence order of 298 209 129 58 -4?

It is a quadratic sequence (order 2) t(n) = (9n2 - 205n + 792)/2 for n = 1, 2, 3, ... and the next number is -57

What are the factors of 298?

The factors of 298 are: 1, 2, 149, 298

How much is 30 percent percent off of 298?

30% off of 298= 30% discount applied to 298= 298 - (30% * 298)= 298 - (89.40)= 208.60

What is next in the sequence 298 209 129 58 -4?

At each step the number being subtracted is reduced by 9 298 - 89 = 209 209 - 80 = 129 129 - 71 = 58 58 - 62 = -4 -4 - 53 = -57..........which is the next number.

What is 30 percent off of 298?

30% off 298 = 298 - (0.30 x 298) = 208.6

WHAT IS 423-298?

423-298 = 125

What is 298 over 100?

2.98 or 298%

What is 894 divided by 3?


Is the number 298 prime?

298 is composite.

What is 298 minus 70 percent?

The answer is 89.4 (70% of 298 is 208.6.... 298 - 208.6 = 89.4)