There are thirty thousand hundreds in three million. Three million is written in numerical form as 3,000,000 which is a three and six zeroes.
32C3 = 4960
Ten digits.
100,000,000 = nine digits.
Eight Digits: 30,000,000
3.5 million = 3500000 so 7 Seven digits (individually). Three digits (not counting repeats).
There are thirty thousand hundreds in three million. Three million is written in numerical form as 3,000,000 which is a three and six zeroes.
32C3 = 4960
Not counting the three in the ones place, there are 100229.
9 digits
Ten digits.
Thirty Three Thousand and one third, 30 dollar groups to make a million dollars. It's not rocket science.
250 million = 250,000,000. There are 9 digits in this number.