Trigonometry is used in everyday life in various ways. It is used in navigation to calculate distances and angles, in architecture and engineering to design structures and determine angles for construction, and in physics and mechanical engineering to analyze forces and motion. Trigonometry is also used in fields such as astronomy, music, and electrical circuits.
There are a countless number of ways people use 20. For example, they could be counting 20 nickles in a dollar.
prices such as..... $8.98
Radical expressions relate to everyday life in several ways. For example, If a building has a square base and the area of the base is 64,00 ft^2, then what is the length of one of the sides of the building's base? Solution A = 64000 A = s2 => S = Sqrt (A) = Sqrt (6400) = 80 ft
The majority of all gold is used for decorative purposes in jewelry, but it does have other uses. It is very useful in dentistry, for making gold crowns, and it is used to make very thin wires for use in highly miniaturized electronics. The modern cell phone, believe it or not, contains some gold.
Plutonium is not used in everyday life.
Algebra is used in lots of differant ways in everyday life because it's maths.
Some ways granite is used in everyday life is in table tops, floors, and kitchen surfaces.
When you pull the blinds up in your house
Geometry is used by many things, in many different ways.
Virtualization can be used many different ways in everyday life. Those who use hypothetical situations in their work would use this everyday.
Basketball, reaching high shelves and other stuff
Infrared radiation is used in everyday life in various ways, such as in remote controls for electronic devices like TVs, in night vision goggles for military and law enforcement, and in thermal imaging cameras for detecting heat leaks in buildings or monitoring body temperature in medical settings.
I am a retired math/science teacher. I used trig every day to teach students.
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