

Best Answer

egyptians use symbols as we use numbers.they still are using symbols

for math at this very day!

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Q: In what ways are the egyptians math and math today similar and different?
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What does the math term dissimilar mean?

Not similar, i.e., different.

What was the Egyptians contribution to math?

egyptians used number sense

How is Squanto life similar to life today?

it is nothing like it we have these things called toilets and ipads so you do the math. oh and we have math

What is math and who introduced it?

math is a series of numbers and equations and it was introduced by the Egyptians

What type of math do we use today?

Today, we study many types of math. When you ascend to different grade levels, you are taught more types of math. Examples are: Algebra Calculus Geometry etc.

Why did the Egyptians leave behind the math system?

So that we can keepon learning math

What math did Egyptians use?

They used geometry.

Math were did it come from?

they found written math from the egyptians and babylonians algebra came from the Muslims

Egyptians were especially skilled in math in area of?


What civilization used math first?

The Babylonians and the Egyptians.

Who discover math concept and which time?

Various different math concepts were developed by various differentindividuals and groups of people at various different times in history.And it still continues today.

How did the ancient egypitans use math?

The ancient Egyptians use math by addition subtraction multiption and divion