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Q: In what ways are the three colonial regions of the US geographically different?
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What ways were the economies of the three colonial regions alike and different?


Why were the three regions of colonies so different?

The Economies of the 3 colonial regions were different because they had different laws,different geographies,different cultures,and different religions

What colonial regions used Protestant government?

Well the difference between the three colonial regions is.......

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What are the three main colonial regions in America?

New England, Middle, and South

Which of the three colonial regions was most dependent upon the ocean for its economy?

new englan coloniest

What were the different colonial regions in the 1700s?

If you're referring only to British colonies, then there were only three. The New England Colonies, the Middle or Mid-Atlantic colonies, and the Southern Colonies.

What is the triangle of trade?

I'm sure that it was when goods from three different regions were traded like (weapons to the Americas and from the Americas tobacco )....were passed on to three different regions.

Describe the three different physical areas of English landscapes?

The three different physical areas of the English landscape are coastal regions, plains, and mountainous regions.

What are some geographic similarities between Judaism Christianity and Islam?

Considering that these three are religions, not geographic regions, they are not geographically similar. However, all of three of them see the city of Jerusalem as being a holy city.

What are the Different regions of the flame?

There are three different regions of a flame. These are the outer non-luminous flame, the tip and the inner blue flame.