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Roman numeral system.

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Q: In which numbering system zero doesn't exist?
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Which numbering system should not used zero?

The Roman numeral system

What is the importance of zero if it means nothing?

The figure zero - is simply a 'place filler'. Without it - our numbering system would be chaotic.

Why is binary numbering system commonly used in digital electronics?

Zero and one - either on or off.

Did the Romans invent numbers?

The Romans invented a method for writing numbers but so did other cultures. The Indians developed a numbering system that included the zero. There was no zero in the Roman system.

How could plants develop in a zero-gravity environment?

They cant, if the did they planet would fall apart, zero-gravity doesnt exist.

What is One great contribution of Islamic golden age?

Mathematics (zero invention, decimal numbering system, algebra, logarithms, ...)

What is roman numeral LVNV?

N (or nulla) is a very rare way to write a zero. The standard Roman numbering system does not include a zero or null value. Even if it did, the structure you are proposing is incorrect.

Who made up the numbering system?

Arabs developed the number system (0,1,2,3,4) we use now. The Roman system (I, II, III, IV, V) wasn't as good, because there was no zero.

Which Roman Numeral does not exist?

The Roman Numeral system did not have a way to represent zero.

Why can't -5K exist?

0K is absolute zero, meaning that the system contains zero thermal energy. Temperatures below absolute zero are impossible.

What is the dogs name on the nightmare before Christmas?

The dog's name is Zero.there is jack, sally, dotor

Which digit does'nt exist in Roman Numerals?

The symbol for zero because the Roman numeral system is quite capable of carrying out arithmetical operations without the need for a zero figure unlike the Hindu-Arabic numeral system where a zero symbol is essential to carry out calculations.