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Q: In which states were 30 to 60 percent of African students in integrated schools in 1964?
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Why did African Americans and white students attend different schools?

Because at that time integrated laws were not enforced

Ten years after Brown vs Board of education court case what was the percent of African Americans attending schools with whites in the south?

Ten years after the Brown v. Board of Education court case in 1954, only a very small percentage of African American students in the South were attending schools with white students. The resistance to desegregation was widespread and many schools remained segregated, with African American students often attending separate, inferior schools.

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50% of public schools have internet access for their students to use.

During the 1960s most black college students?

During the nineteen sixties, when the equal rights movement was making waves, black students began to branch out of their segregated schools to attend integrated schools. The University of Columbia and Berkeley College were among the top schools for black college students.

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66 percent of students get distracted at if electronics at schools

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58 persent

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Inadequate funding of schools is why certain schools' students benefit less from public schools.

How did segregated schools provide a safe environment for African American students?

It kept them away from the Americans who didn't like African Americans.

What is the percentage of bulling in middle schools?

about 85 percent of the students have had get bullied in Middle School.

When warren describes the African Americans schools as rudimentary he is using?

pathos, because he tries to move the feelings of the people in the court.

How did the conservatives feel about school vouchers?

They created them after the Brown decision in 1957 to have schools that weren’t integrated. Many conservatives believe that public education is harmful and refer to it as “government schools” that indoctrinate students.

Blacks in the 1930's?

Black's didn't have many rights. They were treated unfairly. African American education in the 1930s was racially segregated. With few exceptions living patterns and customs led to segregated schools nationwide; in many places, especially in the South, segregation was the law. As African Americans were often the poorest members of communities, their neighborhood schools suffered from their inability to raise funds for teacher salaries and maintenance. African Americans were also unrepresented on most school boards and hence were unable to push for better funding for their schools. The average expenditure per pupil per year was eighty dollars; for African American students the average was fifteen. Nationally, more than 25 percent of all students were black, but they received only 12 percent of all education revenues and only 3 percent of funds budgeted for school transportation.