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Q: In which zone of the atmosphere would a temperature of 85 degrees celsius most likely occur?
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Are you more likely to ice skate on a lake whe temperature outside 30 degrees C or 30 degrees F?

30 degrees F because 30 degrees C is about 90 degrees F and you would not have much ice on the lake!

What change in volume of the balloon is observed between 0 degrees C and 60 degrees C?

The ratio of temperatures must be calculated for the absolute temperatures - not temps measures on the Celsius scale. So, the temperature increases from 273.15 K to 333.15 K. 333.15/273.15 = 1.2197 Therefore, the volume will increase by a multiple of 1.2197. This answer assumes that all other factors remain unchanged. That is unlikely since the elasticity of the balloon is likely to be affected by the change in temperature.

Are there different degrees of hell mentioned in the Bible?

No most likely there is only one temperature in hell. Which is very very hot and melting.

If ice forms on the outside of a glass cup what would most likely be it's temperature 36 degrees F 25 degrees F 40 degrees F 80 degrees F or 33 degrees F?

The only one of the five that is "below freezing" (32°F) is the 25°F, and ice would normally only form below the freezing point.

Is 78 degrees Fahrenheit hot or cold?

It is relative. Room temperature is usually considered to be between 70-72 degrees, so 78 degrees is warmer than room temperature. People from temperate or warm climates would likely consider 78 degrees to be perfectly comfortable while people from colder climates might find it a bit on the hot side (but may still enjoy it).

Related questions

What does Tc 20 degrees celsius stand for?

"TC" likely stands for "temperature in degrees Celsius." Therefore, "TC 20 degrees Celsius" means that the temperature is 20 degrees Celsius.

What temperature is most likely for a boiling pot of spaghetti sauce 70 degrees Celsius 90 degrees Celsius or 110 degrees?

90 degrees

What is 98.7 degrees celsius in Fahrenheit?

*This is more likely to ask 98.7 degrees Fahrenheit (a body temperature) in Celsius (37.05 °C). However, 98.7°C is equal to 209.66°F The conversion formula is Fahrenheit temperature = (9/5 x Celsius temperature)+ 32

Would a puddle freeze if the temperature was - 5 degrees?

Yes, a puddle would likely freeze at -5 degrees Celsius because water freezes at or below 0 degrees Celsius. The lower the temperature, the faster the puddle will freeze.

If the temperature is 39 degrees Celsius what clothes are you are most likely to want to wear?

39 degrees Celsius is equal to 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit (1.8 * 39 + 32) so you would likely be wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

Your room has a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius. Would you be comfortable or uncomfortable?

38 degrees Celsius is relatively high for room temperature and may be uncomfortable for most people. It is above the normal comfort range of 20-25 degrees Celsius for indoor spaces. You may feel hot, sweaty, and likely uncomfortable at this temperature.

If the temperature is 39 degrees Celsius you are most likely to want to wear?

If the temperature is 39 degrees Celsius you are most likely to want to wear?Something light and cool (or even a bathing suit) -- this is the same as 102.2 degrees Fvery little.

What is iron at 1000 degrees Celsius?

At 1000 degrees Celsius, iron is in a solid state and is likely glowing red hot. This temperature is below iron's melting point of 1538 degrees Celsius, so it would still retain its solid form.

What is 464 dgrees Celsius?

464 degrees Celsius is a very high temperature, equivalent to 867.2 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature, most materials would be significantly above their boiling points and would likely be in a gaseous state.

What kind of precipitation would you see at 15 degrees Celsius?

At 15 degrees Celsius, you are likely to see rainfall. This temperature range typically does not support snow or hail formation. Rainfall is the most common form of precipitation at this temperature.

What is the physical state of krypton at -10 degrees celsius?

At -10 degrees Celsius, krypton would be a gas. Krypton has a boiling point of -153.22 degrees Celsius, so at -10 degrees Celsius it would be well above this temperature and exist as a gas.

Is there a warm front or a cold front when it is 28 degrees celsius?

A temperature of 28 degrees Celsius is typically associated with warm weather. Therefore, a warm front is more likely to be present when it is 28 degrees Celsius.