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withholding tax.

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Q: Income tax withheld from each paycheck and sent to the state or federal government?
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Income ta withheld from each paycheck and sent to the state or federal government?

First your paycheck with your NET take home pay (net pay after all deductions) that you have in your hand will not have anything withheld from it because it is issued to you after all of the necessary taxes and other amounts that the employer is required to withhold from your gross wages, salary, earnings, etc.You should get this information from your employer payroll department as they will be the one that would know how much FICA, federal income tax, state income, local taxes, etc they will have to withhold from your hourly pay or gross pay for the pay period. They will do this before they issue your net take home paycheck to you

What is the tax withholding for 56250 per year?

You could have some other amounts beside the taxes above that your employer payroll department would be required to calculate and withhold from your gross salary earnings before the payroll department would be able to issue you your net take home paychecks. You should ask the payroll department for some numbers because they would be the only one that would know all of the different amounts that they will be required to withhold. The amount of taxes that are withheld during this earning period is the same as estimated tax payments and if too much is withheld you will receive the over withheld amount back as a refund once your 2010 1040 federal and state income tax return is completely correctly and filed to the correct IRS address. If not enough federal and state income were withheld then you will end up owing some more taxes when the income tax returns are completed correctly and you will then have send the owed amounts with the income tax returns when they are filed in the year 2011.

How is math used in the airforce?

Here are a few examples: -- Math is used to calculate the length of runway required to land a fully loaded C5A Galaxy cargo craft with a 10 knot headwind. -- Math is used to calculate the amount to be withheld from an airman's paycheck for income tax and social security. -- Math is used by the NCO Club's Sergeant at Arms to decide after how many drinks he should start keeping an eye on the Staff Sergeant at the corner table.

Do you get taxed if you only work 16 hours per week?

It depends on which tax you are talking about. There may be city income taxes, state income taxes, and federal income taxes, plus a tax for Medicare and a tax for Social Security. The Medicare and Social Security taxes are always taken from any amount of income. City, State and Federal income taxes have different rules. You have to look up those rules. For instance, some full time students don't have to pay federal income tax. Most tax rules have rules about how much you can earn before you get taxed.

What happens to the percentage of an income that is taxed when income rises and the tax is a proportional one?

The percentage of an income that is taxed will stay the same when income rises until that income reaches a certain point set by the government. A higher tax bracket may mean a higher portion of the income will be taxed.

Related questions

Income tax withheld from each paycheck and sent to state and federal government?

Yes it is.

Is the income tax withheld from each paycheck sent to the state or federal government?


Income tax withheld from each paycheck and send to the state or federal government?


Income tax withheld from each paycheck and sent to the state of federal government?

withholding tax

What is income tax withheld from each paycheck and sent to the state or federal government?

WithholdING taxes

Income tax withheld from each paycheck and sent tot he state or federal government?

The correct amount that was withheld for each one will be sent separately to the state and to the federal government.

Income tax withheld from each paycheck and sent to the state or federal government is called what?

WithholdING taxes

What is the term for income tax withheld from each paycheck and sent to the state or federal government?

Withholding Tax

Income tax withheld from each paycheck?

Income tax withheld from each paycheck

Income tax withheld from each paycheckand sent to the state or federal government?

You do NOT have any amount that is withheld from your net take home paycheck after it is issued to you. The amount that is withheld is calculated on your gross earnings for the pay period and is a advance payment of your possible future income tax liability. After your income tax return is completed correctly and IF the amount that is withheld is more than your federal or state income liability then you will receive a refund of the over withheld amount.

What is Income tax withheld from each paycheck and sent to state and federal government?

You do NOT have any amount withheld from your net take home paycheck after it is issued to you. The parts that are withheld from your gross wages, earnings before your net paycheck is issued to you is a prepayment of any possible state and federal income tax liability that you could have after your income tax return is completed correctly. If your income tax liability is less than the withheld amounts you will receive the over withheld amounts as a refund after you file your income tax return. You should get this information from your employer payroll department as they will be the one that would know how much FICA, federal income tax, state income, local taxes, etc they will have to withhold from your hourly pay or gross pay for the pay period.

What is the minimum percentage of income that will be withheld from any paycheck?
