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Q: Information and communication are most of the time complementary and sometimes supplementary to each other. Elaborate?
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Does elaborate mean celebrity?

No. Elaborate means to provide more information.

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Why different people often elaborate on the same information differently?

Different people may have varying perspectives, experiences, and levels of understanding which shape how they communicate information. Factors such as cultural background, personal bias, and communication style can influence how individuals choose to elaborate on the same information. Additionally, differences in cognitive processing and learning preferences can also contribute to varied levels of detail and emphasis when conveying facts or ideas.

What does elaborate in math mean?

elaborate on your answers means 'expand' or 'tell us more' add more information...

Does elaborate and explain mean the same thing?

When you elaborate on something you go into greater you can explain something and if someone needs more information on the subject they might say "can you elaborate on that"

How can you elaborate on the meaning of a question?

Ask the question, and then put more information in the discussion.

Why can't you elaborate your questions on this site?

You can always place additional information in the discussion area.

Is Brazil elaborate or understated communication style?

Brazilian communication style tends to be more elaborate than understated. Brazilians often use expressive gestures, body language, and emotional intonation to convey their message effectively. They also value building relationships and establishing rapport before getting to the point, which can make conversations more dynamic and engaging.

What channel is ray on if you have dish?

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