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Q: Innumerate the seven data Hierarchy in order and explain the word?
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List the seven levels of classification from largest to smallest?

The seven levels of classification from largest to smallest are: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species, which together form the taxonomic hierarchy known as Linnaean classification.

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Taxonomy Chart: hierarchy of specificatonKingdom- PlantDivision or Phylum- Spermatophyta (seed plants)Class- Angiospermae (seeds in fruit)Order- AceralesFamily- AceraceaeGenus- AcerSpecies- rubrumVariety or cultivar- var. 'October Glory'- By Tony Benavidez,(a.k.a. Captain Fox 047)

What are the seven principles of organization?

principle of hierarchy, span control, unity of command, delegation, centralization, decentralization,

Why would succombing to seven deadly sins make you get the plauge?

This was a common belief among a certain subculture within Catholicism at the time of the Plague, but was never accepted as true by the Church Hierarchy. Other explanations to explain the Plague included not being penitential enough (leading to the Flagellant cult - also discouraged by the Hierarchy) and toleration of Jews (indeed, the paranoia caused by the Plague was the first real seed of Christian anti-Semitism.)

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What are the 7 levels of heirancy?

The seven levels of hierarchy are kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. This classification system helps scientists organize and categorize all living organisms based on their shared characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

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What seven classification groups did Linnaeus come up with?

Linnaeus developed a system of classification with seven key hierarchical groups: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. This system is widely known as the Linnaean hierarchy and is still used in modern biological classification.

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What are the seven levels of organization from largest to smallest that Linnaeus used to categorize organisms?

The seven levels of organization from largest to smallest that Linnaeus used to categorize organisms are kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. These levels, known as the taxonomic hierarchy, are based on shared characteristics and help to organize and classify different species in a hierarchical manner.