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A circle with radius 15mm will fit in a 30mm square.

Find the intersection of the square's diagonals, that is the center of the circle.

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Q: Inscribe a circle in a square of side 30 mm?
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Is it possible to draw a circle with a circumference of 30 inches inside a square with the area of 100 inches?

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What is the area of a circle with 30 ft radius?

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What are the area and perimeter of a square inscribed inside a circle 30 ft in diameter?

Square inscribed a 30 ft diameter has a diagonal equal to 30 ft. Use the Pythagorean theorem, and side^2 + side^2 = 30^2 2s^2 = 900 s^2 = 450 side length = square root of 450, simplify 15sqrt(2) = s Area = s^2 = 450 square feet Perimeter = 4s = 4*15*sqrt(2) = 60 times the square root of 2

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The area of a circle when the diameter is 30 inches is: 706.9 square inches.

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Yes because the diameter of the circle is less than the sides of the square.

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