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The term burst their banks means they surpassed their expectations.

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Q: Insert the missing word The expression burst their banks is used twice such is an instance of poor writing?
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Where is the ellipse on a keyboard?

English Language Keyboards:* An ellipse is a geometric shape. There is not a special key for geometric shapes. However, the letter O in some fonts is almost elliptical e.g. Oo, or you may be able to insert an elliptical symbol using the drop-down 'Insert' menu in your word-processing toolbar. * If you want to insert an ellipsis, which is a mark indicating a missing word, the customary way of doing this is by using three dots ...

How do you make Roman numerals on keyboard?

There are two ways: One; you can search them on the web and copy and paste them to whatever you are writing or Two; you may go on Microsoft Word and click "insert symbol" and look for the Roman numerals

How do you insert the square root symbol?

Tough in a basic text software such as Notepad. In Microsoft Word 2007, you can use Insert > Equation or Insert > symbol. Otherwise, it is acceptable to use the function sqrt(), as in sqrt(4) = +/- 2. Sqrt() is a legal function in most software and programming languages. It is easily understood in a mathematical expression. ============================ In Windows, go to Start->all programs -> accessories -> system tools and click on Character Map. Select the font "symbol" and then click on the square root symbol. Then click on select and copy. The symbol will now be copied to your clipboard and you can paste it like this: √

What is an example for qualitive data?

An example of qualitative data is; This is a very big (insert object here) or, for quantitave data, This (insert object here) is as long as (insert exact length here) or, This (insert object) weighs (insert exact number of pounds, ounces, etc.) I hope that helps!

How do you make fractions on a calculator?

You can turn the fraction to a decimal and then just add a decimal to where it is needed in the problem.

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Is an example of a proper fraction?

The crucial word/expression is missing from the question. Insert " 3/4" then the answer would be yes.

Insert missing letter FKILV?

The missing letter in the word "FKILV" is O. The word should be FKILOV.

Insert the missing letters- f oa ing?


How do you make insert missing letters?

7,6,8,3 9,4,5,9 8,6,6,?

What mark do you use to insert a missing letter or punctuation mark?

An apostrophe.

What is the missing number in sequence 823543 466563125256 41?

Insert spaces between numbers!

What proofreading marking shuold you use to insert a missing letter?

In proofreading it is customary to use the " ^ " symbol to specify that a letter or wrod is missing from the scentence. You want to write the word or letter above the "^" sign to specify what the missing word or letter is.

What is the difference between insert and paste?

Insert is use directly but paste not directly used. First you need to be copy something after than you can past otherwise not. But you can insert something directly. for instance if you want insert a row in excell sheet. you just write click where you want and the click on row, it insert instanly.

How do you open a trunk from a 1976 cutlass with the lock missing?

With the lock mechanism missing, look into the hole where the lock should be. Take a flat screw driver and insert it into the slot near the back of the lock hole and twist.

Will the insert key delete?

Yes, if you're typing, enable the "Insert" function and go back in whatever you were typing and type more, your keys will overwrite what you had written beforehand. If this happens, simply tap the Insert key and the rest of what you were writing will simply be bumped.

A letter to spend holidays with your uncle?

Dear Uncle <insert name here>: I am writing to you to ask if I could spend the holidays with you at your home. I would like to stay from <insert date here> to <insert date here> My <insert name of parent or guardian> has given me permission to ask. <Insert reason for your request> I've always enjoyed spending time with you and would love to spend the holidays with you this year. Thank you! <insert your name here>

How do you prevent the deletion of words when you are trying to type a space between those words?

You probably have your insert button on. If you open Microsoft Word' or 'notepad' or something similar, following the following steps:1. Type of few words and then go to the middle of those words.2. Hit the insert button on your keyboard,3. Then start typing again.If it is on you will write over anything in front of where you started typing from. If it is off then it will just push whatever is in front of where you started typing from. So push the the insert button and test to see if it over-writes or just pushes.The 'insert' button is usually in the left of the calculator keys. On the top of 'delete', the left of 'Home' ans north-west or 'End'. Caution: It varies depending on which program you have. For instance, if you have Essay-Writing Document Program, then this cannot work. You will have to use another method: press crtl, alt, delete and insert at one time to change the writing. etc.