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Q: Intellectual development for 0-3 months
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A short definition of intellectual development?

whats the definition of intellectual development

What is mean by intellectual development?

It means that the physic development

What is intellectual maturity?

intellectual development takes place and they tend to spend considerable time thinking.

What can parent and caregives do to enhnace a baby's intellectual development?

Intellectual Development of a Baby;LaughingNoises (Mama/Dada)Names spoken (Their own name)Understand sertain cammandsThese are ALL the intellectual develpoments of a baby.

What are the five areas of personal development?

The five areas of development are physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral.

How culture affect intellectual development?

if you parents are not intellectualy because of their culture you are less likely to be intellectual

How does painting help with intellectual development?

Painting can help with intellectual development by improving cognitive skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity. It also enhances visual-spatial abilities and can improve memory retention and focus. Engaging in painting can stimulate the brain and promote overall intellectual growth and development.

Intellectual development of a newborn baby?

Early environmental experiences help shape the development of the brain.

Physical lingual and intellectual development take place during 3 to 6?

Discuss the physical lingual and intellectual development taking place during 3 to 6 years of age

What do pies mean in child development?

It mean physical, intellectual, emotional, and social

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How does development effect adulthood intellectual?

Development during childhood and adolescence, such as education, experiences, and opportunities for growth, can influence intellectual abilities in adulthood. Continued learning, problem-solving, and critical thinking can enhance cognitive functions and contribute to overall intellectual development in adulthood. However, genetic factors and environmental influences also play a significant role in shaping intellectual abilities throughout one's life.